
A Very Personal Injury

Years ago, there was a personal injury lawsuit involving a woman who bought coffee from McDonald’s, ended up spilling her coffee on her lap after a sudden stop, and ended up turning around and suing the company to the tune of millions of dollars. It’s usually brought up by people who smugly assert how overly litigious America is, suing everyone and everything around them for the smallest inconvenience.

Regardless of whether or not America is in desperate need of tort reform, many details get left out in the retelling of this case. This includes the fact that McDonald’s coffee was kept at a temperature of nearly 200 degrees Fahrenheit and caused the woman extensive 3rd-degree burns, requiring an eight-day stay in the hospital for skin grafts and a full two years to complete the needed medical treatments for the burn.

Despite personal injury law’s poor reputation, there are thousands of accidents that occur every day, many of which cause injuries that require expensive medical care or are debilitating. Without the protection that a skilled lawyer affords them, many of those affected by these accidents would end up destitute once the insurance money begins drying up and they’re unable to return to work.

Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time – though you’re not as likely to be impacted by industrial accidents out in the country, there’s plenty that can happen on the road. It’s always a good idea for you to know the dependable lawyers in your area just in case!

For those looking for a San Diego personal injury law firm, the go-to firm for the dependable lawyers in question is Villasenor Law Firm. The team at Villasenor has been working in the industry for over thirty years and has landed innumerable payouts for clients impacted by accidents on and off the road.

The firm is famous for its honesty, professionalism, and high moral character, as attested to by its clients:

Over the last 10 years, Chris Villasenor has created several contracts for my company that protect me in case a dispute with a client or contractor crops up.  He has also reviewed contracts from my potential clients or partners and made recommendations on ways they needed to be revised in order to protect my best interest.  Chris was also very helpful and informative when my husband & I were faced with a real estate dispute while purchasing our current home.  Chris is trustworthy, professional and a great legal resource in times of need AND he’s become my attorney of choice!

– Kimberly Yow, Google Review

I am grateful to Chris and Vicky for all the hard work they did in helping with my case.  I appreciated the professionalism, honesty, and integrity this law office represented from beginning to end.  Chris is very knowledgeable in the field and comes w years of experience that shown in the way he handled my case.  He was patient and kind in his communication of the process I would have to navigate. I am happy w the outcome and the process.  trusting someone you don’t know isn’t always easy. If I needed this type of help in the future I would seek the help of Chris and Vicky again. Thank you both!!!

– Marissa Shepard, Google Review

If you have been impacted by an accident and are hesitant to get in contact with a lawyer because you’re afraid of the kind of judgment the woman who spilled her coffee received, do yourself a favor and get in contact with Villasenor Law Firm. They will give you the information you need to make an informed decision and get you the recompense you deserve.

Villasenor Law Offices


12396 World Trade Dr Suite 211, San Diego, CA 92128

The Commodification Of Fairytales And Love

White dresses. Multi-tier cakes. Diamonds. 

Prenups. Custody battles. Lawyers.

These are expensive and synonymous with marriage and divorce. Most people get caught up in the first three expenses while hoping to never have to think about the latter three.

Marriage is ultimately an economic partnership, but it is seen in our culture as a milestone in the relationship of two people who love one another. Marriage has become a cultural product known as the industrial wedding complex. 

“Say Yes To The Dress”

As many people know, in many cultures and religions, white symbolizes purity. But what many people don’t know about wedding dresses is that white also subliminally symbolizes wealth. White is the hardest color of a garment to maintain, as stains are much more noticeable on white garments. White dresses were unsuitable for chores or labor that were traditionally assigned to women. The wedding dress was only ever meant to be worn once—on the bride’s wedding day—thus symbolizing the family’s wealth in being able to afford a dress that had almost no functional use outside of the one-day occasion. 

The fashion industry has capitalized on the notion of the wedding dress being a one-in-a-lifetime dress, drawing parallels between a bride’s wedding day to the narrative climax of a princess’s happily-ever-after in childhood fairytale stories. The illusion of reality mimicking fantasy is why shows like “Say Yes To The Dress” have become so popular in mainstream culture, and why some brides are adamant about spending an exorbitant amount of money on a dress, or even on multiple dresses, that can cost more than the average American mortgage.

“Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend”

Blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe didn’t make diamonds the aspirational gift when she sang “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend”—she merely reiterated the clever marketing messages of corporations like De Beers. The notorious “three months salary” rule pressures a prospective groom to prove his love by proposing to his prospective wife with an expensive engagement ring.

Free Wedding Preparation Stock Photo

A Fairytale Wedding Can Mean A Nightmare Divorce

A survey of over three thousand people in the United States found that couples who spend more on their weddings are more likely to get divorced.

And is it any surprise that money cannot buy love—nor happiness? What’s even more depressing is that divorce not only kills the hope of a true happily-ever-after, it can also cost far more than people can afford. 

Many couples are ashamed of the breakdown of their marriage, especially if they had an extravagant wedding. It can also be difficult to afford divorce lawyers years into the marriage, while the couple is raising a family. In many parts of the United States like Orange County, couples are choosing family law mediation over traditional divorce. In addition to usually being more affordable than litigation, mediation usually results in more mutually amicable terms rather than court rulings.  

Read K S.‘s review of McNamee Mediations on Yelp

Vanity Fair recently reported that the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is at a standstill as Jolie has filed a complaint that the judge did not allow her children to testify in court. Given the influence that celebrities have in our culture, the divorce case of Jolie and Pitt may have more people choosing mediation instead of litigation.

Up Against The Wall

Business and law, for better or worse, are twin heads on the same snake. This has been the case since the Roman republic, where many famous statesmen made their names by representing the business interests of their clients in an intensely litigious society.

The modern-day U.S. is nearly as litigious, which is exemplified by a story an old friend of mine recently told me regarding his trials and tribulations with the law recently. He has operated a small side business for years that he never bothered to properly register, which unfortunately was the main cause of his recent troubles.

He received a major order from one of his primary clients a few months back, a rush job that needed to be completed within a couple of weeks. This was going to be a major challenge, considering he still had a normal 9-5 job and had no employees that could do the work while he was busy during the day.

He worked well over 80 hours per week during the allotted time, slaving away to make sure that he would be able to make the deadline that he had verbally agreed to with his client. When the dust had settled, he had made it, but only by the skin of his teeth and at the cost of his health.

That’s when the trouble began. He tried getting in contact with his client, but they were being strangely non-communicative. This went on for over a week before he was contacted by their lawyer.

Apparently, the client was suing him for a breach of contract. The client was asserting that they had agreed to a much earlier delivery date, and the lack of paperwork meant that it had become a he-said, she-said situation. Only one side had a powerful and effective lawyer, while the other was represented by his hapless, naïve self.

Needless to say, it did not go well for my friend. Due to the fact that he hadn’t registered his business, he was forced to use his own money to settle the claim and pay for legal fees. He was lucky that he’s successful in both his private business and his career, but the whole thing put an enormous burden on him. When I saw him, it looked like he had aged ten years despite only seeing him a few months beforehand.

The lesson here is that, no matter how small and insignificant you think your business is and how much you trust the relationship you’ve built with your clients, at least consulting a business lawyer is hugely important part of doing business. If my friend had taken my advice and consulted one of the best business law firms in Orange County, Burris Law, then he might have saved himself a huge headache and more than a few grey hairs.

I recommended Burris to him because, quite simply, they are the best. Professional, efficient, and intensely conscientious, they can help any business through the quagmire of the law no matter the situation.

If you need proof, just take a quick perusal through their clients’ testimonies:

Read H D.‘s review of Burris Law on Yelp

I can not believe how quickly my issue was resolved with one call and one letter from Burris Law to the person who was in the wrong. He made the whole problem disappear with his incredible knowledge and quick response time. 11+ stars if I could

Michelle H., Yelp review

As long as people hold greed in their hearts, there will be swindlers and opportunists hoping to use the law as a weapon against you and your business. If you find yourself the target of litigation, do yourself a favor and consult with the best business law firm around, Burris Law:

Burris Law Firm


488 S Glassell St, Orange, CA 92866


Today marks the anniversary of one of the worst decisions I ever made – getting a divorce. No, not in the sense that I wish I had stayed with my partner; we had a lot of differences that ended up making staying in the relationship pretty much impossible.

What I’m talking about is going through the process of divorce litigation. When we decided to split up, we actually were in a very amicable and positive place despite knowing we wouldn’t be staying together in the long run. Divorce court changed all of that.

My partner’s lawyers were not there to play soft ball; I made significantly more than them, and their lawyers were dead set on grabbing up as much as my income and our shared assets as possible to increase their payout. Once I saw this start to unfold, I realized that I would need to step up my game or I’d be out of my shirt by the end of the proceedings.

So began a year-long, very nasty court battle over what had started off as a very calm and thoughtful separation. My ex and I’s relationship deteriorated as they let their lawyers run loose, with me blaming them for not having the guts to stand up to them and them taking offense to this and digging in their heels.

After the proceedings wrapped up, we were both worse off than when we began. I was out a significant sum and had lost most of our shared assets, but my ex had spent the majority of the savings and the eventual winnings on paying off their predatory legal team.

I wish we knew then that there was an alternative – family law mediations – that we could have used and saved both our relationship and our money. Unfortunately, I just happened to meet a client of the highest rated mediation firm in Orange County (McNamee Mediations) a few years after the divorce had been finalized.

When I say they are the highest rated, I mean it – both the client I met and the many who left testimonials on the firm’s various social media pages had nothing but positive things to say about McNamee. Special attention goes to the professionalism and level-headedness of the team there that has resulted in many happy divorces – as happy as they can get, anyway.

As a financial planner, I see my clients go through a number of changes in their lives and sometimes it includes a separation/divorce. Mediation is the far better option when dissolving a marriage as it puts a lot less strain not only on the finances but also the emotions of everyone involved. This is where Colleen McNamee stands out. As an attorney-mediator, she is extremely knowledgeable in her field, has two decades of experience, but also truly cares about her clients. Something that cannot be taught in law school is the gift of empathy and caring for others, which translates into achieving fair and equitable results for couples. Thanks to her very strong skill set and the services she’s able to offer, she remains a neutral counsel to both parties throughout the process, and the Agreements she drafts are far superior to any other divorce mediator I have seen! My clients have come out feeling like they were treated fairly, received their equitable shares, and can now move forward with their lives onto their next chapters. – Katerina Hencova, Google Review

Colleen McNamee is the absolute best[!!] When we started out on our journey of going through a divorce, I felt overwhelmed from every direction and had no idea where to begin or what to expect. I’ve heard all the horror stories of things turning ugly and costs rising as the process drags on and on. BUT, I am SO thankful we went with Colleen!! She made the whole process clear, concise, & cost effective. She helped us communicate peacefully and reach an agreement that worked for both parties. She is very professional and yet the kindest human being! [Thank you Colleen from the bottom of my heart for everything!!] – Jess B., Yelp Review

If you and your partner are like me and mine were – recognizing that we’re not meant for each other, but still on good terms and would like to remain that way – do yourself a favor: avoid divorce litigation at all costs. Call McNamee instead, you’ll come out with your relationship changed but (mostly) intact.

McNamee Mediations


4590 MacArthur Blvd Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Easing The Process

Divorce is never an easy prospect, but it’s fair to say that some separations are far more painful and destructive than others. Couples whose relationships have fallen apart in a particularly acrimonious fashion, or couples where one party or the other has become unhinged in their desire to punish the other, there are plenty of situations where one or both parties are determined to burn every possible bridge on their way out of the relationship.

In these situations, the best course of action is for you to find the best legal help available, then batten down the hatches and take cover until the whole thing blows over. This is especially true in states with complex and often highly unfair laws regarding separation, divorce, and family law.

One such state, California, is probably the worst offender on the list. Not only are the laws highly disadvantageous for the partner with a higher income, the custody laws are often incredibly lopsided and ruinous for your relationships with your family if the other party is especially vindictive and has a halfway decent lawyer.

So, if you live in California, which many of our readers do, it’s imperative that you have at least one great lawyer in your area on your address book. For our southern California readers, one of the best firms for divorce lawyers in Santa Ana and the greater Orange County area is Shuff Law Firm, a family law firm that’s been running since the 1970’s.

Tamara and Joeseph Shuff have accumulated over a half century of experience during their tenure as the owners and lead attorneys for Shuff, and they have the legal record to back up their efficacy as lawyers. Their clients, as seen in these testimonials from their Yelp page, attest to their professionalism and their abilities to give their clients the best legal results possible:

Shuff Law Firm was recommended to me by a dear friend and I highly recommend them to you!

Joe, Tamara and their entire team work with the utmost professionalism coupled with a genuine care for their clients needs. This Father- Daughter team brings many many years of experience to the table! They’ll represent you with integrity, honesty, and a great energy, yet will not be steamrollered by opposing counsel.

Most recently, Tamara held my hand during an incredibly tough situation while believing in me and the justice to prevail. Her kind heart keeps her honest and her experience keeps her strong!

I can’t recommend Shuff Law Firm enough!

Laura K, Yelp Review
Read Megan R.‘s review of Shuff Law Firm on Yelp

My entire experience with Shuff Law firm has exceeded my expectations and I was extremely satisfied. A close friend connected me with Joe Shuff. I was always impressed with how organized the staff was and how they always made me feel as if I had priority when calling the office. This was the first time I had ever been in a legal situation so I was confused and scared of all the “unknown”. Initially, I had only been working with Joe Shuff and then shortly after Tamara Shuff Mortensen was brought on. Tamara took the time to explain everything and answered all my questions with such patients. I was so happy to have them represent me and be my voice in such a complicated case. The circumstance was horrible but the outcome was amazing. Joe Shuff is experienced, respected, rational and incredibly helpful. Tamara gave me hope and inspiration. She is outstanding in court and her work ethic was very impressive.

L R., Yelp Review

If you’re about to enter the legal arena with a highly embittered and enraged former spouse, give the Shuffs a call. They’ve been in the business a long time, and they are specialized in making sure their clients emerge from such situations with as little damage as possible.

Shuff Law Firm


2634, 2107 N Broadway STE 301, Santa Ana, CA 92706

Risks and Safety Precautions for Young Drivers

Motor vehicle crashes are recognized as the second biggest cause of death for teens in the United States. It is observed that as compared to older drivers, the younger ones often underestimate the dangerous situations on the road. Teens are less able than adults to make critical decisions at the time of serious crashes. Reports reveal that “in 2018, almost 2500 teens between the age group of 13 to 19, were killed and 285000 were treated in the emergency departments due to severe injuries after vehicle crashes.” The nonfatal and fatal motor vehicle crashes involving young drivers in the United States resulted in an estimated cost of $11.8 billion due to work loss and medical bills. 

There are many factors that contribute to road accidents involving new or young drivers; such as distracted driving, overspeeding, alcohol use, and not using seat belts. These drivers may take their eyes off the road—sometimes to use a cell phone or to reach for a snack or something in the car. This puts other people also in danger on the road. Texting, checking social media notifications, and going through emails—all of these behaviors can lead to crashes and serious injuries on the road. Therefore, teenagers and other new drivers are advised to follow all safety procedures, avoid distractions, and drive at a limited speed on roads. However, if in some unavoidable circumstances, one finds themself in a car accident, they should call attorneys to handle the matter. 

Woman in Yellow Shirt Driving a Silver Car
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

What should drivers do in the event of a car accident?

When you find yourself in a car accident, there are few essential things to do to make sure that you stay protected. First of all, you should stop when you are involved in the accident; this is a legal obligation for both parties. Even if you do not see any major damage, it is better to stop the car and check the scene carefully. Hire a personal injury lawyer when Carmel Valley Accidents arise.

It is important to make a record of the accident; when the investigating officers arrived at the site, tell them relevant facts, but do not make any guesses about the incident. It is best to take pictures on your camera as they are highly useful in the future to present evidence. Whether or not you observe any injuries on your body; seek medical attention to check if you have experienced any internal impact. In the meantime, contact car accident attorneys to handle the negotiation with the insurance companies. Personal injury attorneys know how to protect your rights and offer the best solution based on the level of damage.

Read Christina T.‘s review of Villasenor Law Offices on Yelp

Experienced lawyers know how to deal with the other party as well. If the case is required to be presented in court, they will prepare all the documents and collect relevant evidence as well. In this way, they are likely to help you receive favorable decisions from the court. Receiving the compensation you deserve will help to alleviate and pay off the burden of car repair and medical bills. You can give Villasenor Law Offices a call today.

Villasenor Law Offices
12396 World Trade Dr Suite 211, San Diego, CA 92128, United States

Healthcare For Senior Individuals

Although many of today’s seniors are aware of the importance of their health and wellbeing, their age-related disabilities are still a matter of concern to their loved ones. We may adhere to a specific life routine during our working years, but our routines can get thrown off after retirement. As they age, seniors become worried about their financial needs, and they also need more emotional and moral support at this age. And as children get occupied with their own career, lifestyle, and family, seniors may find it difficult to cope with age-related difficulties. Beyond all, health issues and disabilities seem to double as we age; many seniors find it difficult to handle their daily routine. 

What are the health concerns of seniors as they age?

The consequences of what we do to our bodies in our youth, without being careful about our physical and mental health, become visible as we age. In some cases, these healthcare mistakes turn out to be major disabilities. Moreover, there are many health issues that are common with the aging body. 

Studies reveal that most people start facing vision issues as they cross the age group of 50. The eye disorders and untreated visual impairments affect a substantial number of older adults. This condition is further worsened by hearing loss. Along with presbyopia, cataracts, and color discrimination issues, people experience problems with skin aging, dexterity, arthritis, and more. The reduced mobility after the age range of 70 to 80 makes life difficult for seniors. In these situations, they may need some assistance from the government and attorneys to ensure that they are given adequate care.

Man in White Crew Neck Shirt
Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

Why may seniors need to work with special needs lawyers?

Special needs attorneys are trained to understand and operate with public benefit programs. These experts conduct planning to assist families with desired financial security throughout their life. By working closely with people, special needs attorneys can also guide families with short-term and long-term lifestyle management plans so that their loved ones can live a life with dignity. 

There are many important roles that special needs lawyers need to perform to ensure a good quality of life for seniors and people with disabilities such as applying and qualifying to avail public benefits at federal and state levels. They create connections with the special needs providers in the local communities so that individuals can receive walkers, mobility aids, and important surgeries whenever needed. They are critical in the development of long-term financial security plans to maintain the life of disabled people as long as they live. They provide essential legal services and advice to senior citizens to meet their care requirements and needs for a healthy future. They can also prepare documentation for guardianships and healthcare proxies for your protection and independence. 

Therefore, seniors and disabled people are advised to consult with certified and trustworthy special needs attorneys to deal with their financial, personal, and medical care needs as they age. Special needs attorneys can help you enjoy a healthy lifestyle after retirement.

Burris Law
200 N Tustin Ave #110, Santa Ana, CA 92705, United States

Divorce: Why Do People Cheat?

Cheating is a major social taboo. Those who have been cheated on know firsthand how damaging it can be to them. It is not only an act of betrayal, but it is also more than likely to cause betrayed partners to ask existential questions about themselves. It can ruin somebody’s self-confidence–or worse, it can lead to a divorce that results in suicide.

What are the reasons for cheating? Does everybody have the potential to cheat? Or does it take a special type of individual to do it? 

Reasons Why People Cheat

Experts have determined individual risk factors such as personality, gender, political orientation, and religiosity. 

One contributing factor is disconnection. A sense of disconnection can occur for different reasons. One of the most typical causes of cheating is the feeling that an individual and their partner have moved slowly apart. In this specific scenario, cheating can feel like a coping mechanism in seeking something thrilling and new when their relationship has become foreseeable and familiar. 

People also often utilize the word “love languages” to describe how they show affection and love to one another. Some partners connect more verbally by saying affectionate words, while a few may want to show affection physically by cuddling or kissing. If the love languages differ between each individual within the partnership and are not accounted for, this can leave each individual to feel that their needs are unmet. They may feel unloved and more willing to the love of somebody who seems to know them more. Hence, feeling unloved is a reason why people cheat. 

There are also instances when a partner can begin to feel a bit more like a parent and the other is like a kid, especially if cooperation is absent in the relationship. For instance, one partner may feel they need to be accountable and more mature. That partner may feel like they are the one who organizes the home, manages finances, and makes decisions, while the other does not pull their weight. An affair may then look so tempting so they can feel appreciated and equal. 

Falling out of affection and love can lead to cheating which later leads to divorce. Boredom can lead way to an affair, seeking the excitement of the chase, with passion being connected with newfound excitement and love. Few individuals can find that in their life partner. Therefore, they aren’t seeking a way out of their marriage, but they are seeking a spiced-up experience. The famous sex and relationship therapist Esther Perel discussed why cheating is not the ultimate betrayal. Having difficult conversations from the beginning about commitment and love can help couples steer clear of rocky waters, particularly when it comes to infidelity.  

Woman Playing Chess
Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

Life After Infidelity 

Research published by the National Institutes of Health discovered that one partner in eighty-eight percent of couples cited cheating as a contributing factor in divorce. 

If you have recently been cheated on and are seeking a divorce, you may find it difficult to separate on mutual terms. In this case, consider hiring a Divorce Mediator as an alternative to traditional litigation.

Read Alexander M.‘s review of McNamee Mediations on Yelp

The saying, “Once a cheater, always a cheater,” refers to individual motives for cheating; the quality of an individual that makes them more susceptible to cheating. You may not be able to control your partner’s susceptibility to cheating, but you can take control of your life by calling a certified mediator today.

McNamee Mediations
4590 MacArthur Blvd Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA 92660, United States

Why Do Car Accidents Happen So Often?

Growing up, most folks look forward to getting their driver’s license and the liberty that it offers. Having access to a car provides a significant level of independence. However, it also comes with a tremendous amount of responsibility. It involves making sure regular maintenance is done on the car. Drivers must heed caution by driving safely for the sake of other drivers on the road and passengers with them/

Sadly, car accidents can happen at any time. We all need to be prepared. What are the common reasons for auto accidents? 

Common reasons for car accidents

Auto accident statistics tell a gruesome story about road safety in the United States. “More than 38,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways. The U.S. traffic fatality rate is 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.”

One of the reasons car accidents happen is one that is overlooked: equipment failure. A vehicle is a finely mechanized engine of different moving parts. These parts, such as the brakes or steering wheel, can fail or malfunction.

Difficult driving conditions due to weather is another factor that can lead to a car accident. Rain can result in slippery roads, which can make it very difficult for the car to stop. This becomes even more serious if there is ice on the road. Blizzards, darkness, or any obstruction to visibility can also result in poor visibility. 

No one should ever drive under the influence of alcohol. The issue of drunk driving has garnered a great deal of awareness, and rightly so, for the accidents caused by drunk drivers throughout the years. Alcohol can make it difficult for individuals to make fast and wise decisions, and to see what is going on around them.

Speeding is another cause of car accidents. At least one-third of car accidents are caused by somebody driving over the speed limit. Furthermore, driving while distracted by eating, texting, applying make-up, or any other behavior that takes a driver’s attention away from the road, can cause car accidents. 

Legal proceedings for car accidents and injuries

The aforementioned are ways that car accidents can happen. However, they do not determine who is the automatically liable party. Cases can be disputed in court, in which the defense lawyers will fight for their clients’ best interests.

If you have been the victim of a personal injury accident caused by careless driving or any other cause, give Villasenor Accident Attorney a call.

Black Dodge Challenger Coupe

In the future, we may see self-driving cars as the solution to preventing car accidents. However, this is not expected to happen anytime soon. For now, technology may not lower the number of car accidents that happen. However, it can solve such factual discrepancies. Many drivers now have cameras to document potential accidents and provide evidence as to which party is responsible for a car accident. 

Car accidents are complicated cases. This article should not be read as legal advice. Consult with Villasenor Law Offices today.

Villasenor Law Offices
12396 World Trade Dr Suite 211, San Diego, CA 92128, United States

What You Need to Know About A Pre-Nuptial Agreement

A wedding is one of the most beautiful events in life. It is the day when two people take vows to be with one another throughout all the ups and downs of life. Despite the promises made on this day, many couples do not last a lifetime. There are many uncertainties in life. Many couples find out they have irreconcilable differences and the situation turns into divorce. This is why pre-nuptial agreements have become increasingly popular over time. 

With divorce becoming less and less stigmatized and more and more practiced, pre-nuptial agreements are no longer considered insulting or unromantic notions. In fact, millennials these days are more prudent and shrewd when it comes to their career, lifestyle, and family choices. Over two-thirds are willing to postpone marriage and are reported to delay having children while focusing on their careers. These priorities have resulted in more and more millennials seeking to sign a pre-nuptial agreement as a proactive measure to the complexities of divorce law.

What is a pre-nuptial agreement?

A pre-nuptial agreement is a contract formed by couples before getting married. This registered and signed document outlines the assets and liabilities of both partners. The agreement also discusses issues relating to child custody if the marriage fails in the future. This formal agreement is witnessed and signed by both parties. It includes a list of all their articles of ownership at the time of marriage as well as the items given by the partners to each other. 

Why should you consider signing a pre-nuptial agreement prior to marriage?

Some may say that prenuptial agreements are for the wealthy. But this is not true. Although these documents are often enforced to protect the fortune of the wealthy, those with modest means can also benefit from having an agreement prior to their wedding day. There are several important reasons why people should consider prenuptial agreements. Pre-nuptial agreements offer a way to pass separate property to the children from prior marriages. Without pre-nuptial agreements, chances are that the surviving spouse may claim for the larger share of the property while leaving very little for the kids. Couples with or without children, wealthy or modest, need to clarify their financial responsibilities and rights during the marriage. Those who want to avoid messy conflicts in Divorce and Family Law should seek to sign pre-nuptial agreements, so as to streamline the resolution to decide how the property will be divided if they separate. Pre-nuptial agreements are also useful for protecting partners from being held liable for one another’s debts. 

Man in Black Long-sleeved Shirt and Woman in Black Dress
Photo by Jasmine Carter from Pexels

What happens without a pre-nuptial agreement?

In case you do not sign a pre-nuptial agreement before marriage, the state laws will decide who owns the property after divorce or death of a partner. State law will be also involved in deciding what happens to the assets that you own before marriage. Without pre-nuptial agreements, the couples may have to face several difficulties in making decisions about their assets, liabilities, and possessions after separation. Moreover, it may also affect the inheritors and beneficiaries in the future. 

If you are looking to file for divorce, you can consult with Shuff Law Firm, a Professional Law Corporation.

Shuff Law Firm, a Professional Law Corporation|
2634, 2107 N Broadway STE 301, Santa Ana, CA 92706, United States